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May 07, 2012

Estimate of victims from Global Payments increases dramatically

The estimated number of victims from Global Payments' data breach has grown exponentially - like Bruce Banner growing to Hulk size in this weekend's Avengers movie.  The number of estimated victims more than quadrupled. I previously reported that the estimated number of victims of the data breach was approximately 1.5 million. Now, the estimate stands at 7 million.

The drastic increase is caused by the revelation that the period of time that hackers had access to Global Payments' account information was much longer than originally expected. Originally, the time of exposure was thought to have lasted from January 21 to February 25. Now the breach is thought to have occurred in the previous spring.

As a result, many more people are potentially exposed to identity theft due to the data breach.  If that happens, they will probably be mad enough at Global Payments to turn into their own Hulk.

My initial coverage of this incident can be found here -

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